Tuesday, September 29, 2009

How Come I Haven't Seen Any Men Like THIS in Washington???

So, I was searching the web the other day and I came across a FYNE ASS model named Nick Denbeigh. Apparently,  Nick is from Spokane Washington and as any of you know I'm also from Washington state. So, I was just wondering.....................why  haven't I seen more men that look like THAT in Seattle???!!!!!!! Man Sea-town is really slackkiinnnnnn!

Just had to get that off my mind.




  1. His girl is HELLA LUCKY!!

    Dude is so hot it's DISGUSTING!

  2. I read somewhere that Seattle has the hottest single guys. Didn't believe that until now, lol.

  3. gurl u know its hard to find any cute guy in Seattle, n all the cute ones r taken........but he is fine as hell.
